Robert Grootjans - Chairman | |
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When I finished with the last study project, I was very pleased with the result. I learned a lot of skills from it, and it was tremendously joyous occasion. This also convinced me that if given the opportunity, I would do it again. Soon enough, a new committee had been formed and I was lucky enough to participate in this committee. With the study project to China I learned a lot of skills which I wish to transfer to newcomers, and together organise a new study project to Japan. Japan is a country which is very interesting for us electrical engineers. Despite also being in Asia, it's quite different from China. In conclusion I'm looking forward to visiting Japan with my fellow students. |
Rowan de Vries - Treasurer | |
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After the study tour to China the question was raised who would organise the next study tour. This was a challenge I couldn't pass by. There are a lot aspects that have to be considered, checked and balanced when organising such a huge activity with fellow students. I really enjoy learning new things about culture, history, business and science which just happen to all be involved with the study tour. As treasurer I am responsible for the financial part of the tour and there should be more than enough challenges waiting to be tackled. I can't wait to get on the way! |
Ray Tanuhardja - Secretary | |
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The previous study tour was an amazing experience. Therefore I just had to participate in this study tour to Japan. Because of the unique Japanese culture, it is a country where they do innovative research and think outside of the box. Therefore, I think Japan is a very important country regarding scientific research. Besides my excitement towards the business and science in Japan, I am also very curious about the rich Japanese culture. As secretary of this study tour I have a bit more responsibilities than the previous one and I am looking forward to organise this awesome study tour with fellow students! |
Tim van Doesum - Support | |
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I had the opportunity to join this study tour and did not have to think long to conclude that I wanted to join. A trip to a far away country with 20 other students who all help organising is guaranteed to be an awesome experience. Next to that I've always wanted to see Japan with its beautiful landscapes and its high ranking in technological advancements. Last year I joined the study tour to China and that gave me a really different perspective of China and Asian culture, I'm hoping to get a better idea of how Japan works and compare it to China and the Netherlands. |
Dennis Alveringh | |
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Being at the end of my master Electrical Engineering made me realise that engaging in a last large project with fellow students would be very nice. A study tour to Japan is therefore one of the best opportunities to finish my study, as well for the educational reasons as for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The culture of Japan differs in so many things from the Dutch culture, but Japan is at the same moment a developed and powerful country with a lot of high-tech research. There are for example several car manufacturing companies, well known consumer electronics companies, a space programme, gaming industry and a lot of research in products of the future. Seeing this research, feeling the culture of Japan and organising this study tour with my fellow students are my reasons to participate in this project. |
Eelco Bussink | |
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The first time I came in real contact with a study project was SPOCK2 which was to China. It all sounded pretty awesome, despite that, I did not sign up. When the new SPOCK committee was formed, they more or less shouted to everybody they came across to announce the study tour. Maybe they brainwashed me or put a spell on me as I was directly intrigued by the idea of going to Japan with the next study tour. In my opinion a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I've never been to a country with such a different culture than ours and a country with technology written all over its name. This is a great opportunity and a perfect way to learn about a new culture, technology and organisation overall. Awesome is the keyword! |
Erik de Wit | |
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Now that the end of my Bachelor is within reach it is time for me to build up a professional network. The study tour offers a good opportunity to come in contact with technological companies. Furthermore it is a good opportunity to use the knowledge gained during the Bachelor in practice. I wouldn't participate if I didn't think it would be fun as well as usefull. I'd love to gain more knowledge about the Japanese culture. It seems to me that in Japanese culture nothing is unthinkable. |
Frank van der Hoek | |
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A study tour to Japan, the land of the rising sun, with the worlds's third-largest economy, due to its very large industrial capacity, means travelling to one of the largest and most technologically advanced producers of electronics and getting to know a totally different culture. I think it is very important to look beyond your immediate environment and meet other people who have different customs and have another view of the world, so that you can learn to understand others and that you can look to your own world through different eyes. I think I can learn very much from organising the study tour and I think the tour itself will be a very valuable experience. |
Frits Kuipers | |
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After hearing all the stories about the previous study tour, I really wanted to go as well. Fortunately, a new study tour was organised directly after the one to China. I knew immediately that I wanted to join. Japan is the world's leading nation in technological research. The place to be as a future engineer! Also, the totally different culture and great work ethic of the Japanese people inspires me. Furthermore, I find it amazing to be part of the organisation and to participate in the case studies. This gives me great insight about my abilities in a future career. |
Ingo Stijntjes | |
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This year the study trip is heading to Japan. My experience with this country is limited to what I have seen on television, read in papers and heard from others. What I know about it makes me curious to visit Japan and see it myself. In the field of robotics, Japan is one of the leading contributors, making it very interesting to visit. The project regarding the organisation of the trip is a nice way to learn a lot of useful skills and to obtain valuable professional contacts. |
Ivo Schoenmaker | |
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How many times are you asked to join a study trip to one of the most fascinating countries on earth? This country in specific is well known for it's technological research as well as production. For me as an Electrical Engineering student Japan is a land of possibilities. Not only to see how our favourite gadgets are developed, but also how our Western research is applied overseas. The culture both in working environment and private life are so totally different from our Western culture and I'm very eager to experience this in real life. After seeing the photos, movies and hearing the stories from fellow students on the last study trip I was determined to join this study trip. This will be awesome! |
Jasper Scholten | |
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With my student time coming to an end in 2014, and after hearing about the previous study tour, I became really enthusiastic about the study tour to Japan! It is the last opportunity for me to participate in such a study tour and experience on firsthand the culture of Japan. Furthermore Japan is famous for its innovative technologies, which I definitely want to learn more about. The way the study tour is organised also draws my interest as it will be a very enjoyable and educational experience to organise such a trip with all participants! |
Jelmer Kosters | |
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"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things" - (H. Miller, 1957). I have been interested in travelling all my life, enjoying the exploration of different countries and cultures all over the world. Now, as an electrical engineering student, I want to reciprocate these interests into my field of study. Being inspired by completely new concepts, worlds and understandings, is the key to becoming a great engineer. Japan is one of the world's leading countries in the development of hi-tech and sustainable technology. Their inexhaustible motivation to be the best and their will to create to the highest standards, combined with the love for tradition and nature - this is in my eyes the perfect place for us to broaden our visions. |
Jens Oosterkamp | |
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When I started my study at the university, it didn't take long before the word about a study tour came to me. I've heard about the trip to Vietnam, the USA and China. When the trip to China was organised, I had the possibility to go. But I knew that if I went, I would have a delay in my study, so I chose not to go. But now, I have my bachelor degree and I'm in my master phase, so I can arrange my time more freely. So I decided I wanted to go on this study tour. I'm excited to be a part of this unique project. Raising money with a group of fellow students to go on a fun and educational adventure, obtaining skills while doing so and getting a chance to look into the Japanese side of electrical engineering. Japan is to me mostly the country of robots, sushi, cars, Nintendo, crazy tv-shows and origami, these are superficial things. I hope this journey will introduce me to the more subtle side of the Japanese culture. |
Karim Kok | |
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Since two years, I have a one-man business in electronics. Because of my own business, I'm very interested in other companies in the same branches as mine. How do other companies work and what are the differences between them? Are there things that I can apply in my own business? With this tour to Japan I get the possibility to look at other companies which are also in the electronics business. Furthermore after I heard stories about the previous study tour to China I was really enthusiastic about going along on the next tour. I never got beyond West-Europe so this is a unique opportunity to see more of the world. Now I can find out by myself how people live in other cultures. |
Maikel Huiskamp | |
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When I heard all the stories of the previous study tour, I became enthusiastic for the next one. At the moment I heard that this study tour was going to Japan I signed up. Japan is a country with lots of high-tech developments which are interesting for an electrical engineer, and the cultural differences with the Western world we live in are interesting for me as a person. In the four years that I studiedhere I did lots of things for Scintilla, but I never participated in such a big project as this one. An interesting part of the study project is also working together and meeting new and different people along the way. I look forward to work together and visit Japan with these people. |
Mark te Brake | |
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After hearing all the great stories about previous study tours, I was sure I had to participate at least one time in my life. The tour to Japan couldn't come at a better moment, so I applied without any doubt. I am excited to go to Japan with its rich culture and countless interesting companies and places to visit. I am excited to see things only familiar from pictures and TV with my own eyes. Taking part in this whole organisation and the case studies during the preparation of this tour is also fun to do. |
Mattanja Venema | |
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The last study trip to China was a great experience and I learned alot from it. Working as a team with your fellow students really boosts your skills of planning, organising and cooperation. When the new committee was formed and the new destination was chosen to be Japan I signed up to join the new project. Japan has long been a country of great interest for me. Seeing as how the high-tech culture there really has been growing and still is expanding I'd love to take a deeper look into it. The new gadgets and other technology being developed in Japan are not the only reasons I'd like to visit the country. There is also a rich cultural heritage which I find very interesting. Old architecture, rice paper paintings and a lot more. |
Peter Oostewechel | |
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It seems very nice to go to Japan. This year I have visited several capitals and countries and I've have really enjoyed those trips, so now I can extend this to three more weeks in Japan. On the other side it is super cool to deliver a case study or fancy product with my electrical engineering friends. Recently I got into graphic design so in this project I can really indulge myself in design and websites. I am looking forward to all the nice things we will do in the coming year. Japan will be great! |
Roelof Grootjans | |
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Japan has been an economic world power for some time now. Most of the economic growth of Japan is due to the high-tech industry that has been developed over time. This is also the reason that it is interesting for electrical engineers, all big consumer electronic companies can be found in Japan. I also joined the last study tour to China, which was an extremely awesome experience for me. For the development of yourself it is important to learn about other cultures and companies from other countries. Because of the past experiences and my interest in Japan I decided to sign up again for this study tour which will undoubtedly be as awesome and educational as the last one. |
Tim Broenink | |
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During the last study tour I made the disappointing choice of not joining the study tour. After I heard the stories and saw the pictures of all the participants, I resolved to join the next tour, no matter what. I have the feeling this decision has paid off. I am looking forward to our trip to Japan, hoping to learn a lot about the culture and technology found there and to broaden my horizon. I assume that after our return we will inspire the next generation to participate in the next study tour. |