Information for companies


A study tour is a very costly affair and to cover these costs we aim to have three sources of income. Part of the required finances will be paid by the participating students and another part will be subsidised by the University of Twente. The remaining part will be obtained by means of sponsorships and paid assignments.

We now offer you the opportunity to enlarge the awareness for your company among the participants and the other Electrical Engineering student at the University of Twente and give them insight in some in and outs of your company. In return we ask for a financial contribution for this study project.

Several ways you can sponsor this study project can be found below and in the company brochure


During the course of this project we will publish two books. The first book will be our preliminary report/travel guide in which we will publish all our preliminary research and also provide detailed information on the study tour for the participants. The second book will be our final study tour report in which we publish the rest of our research, our daily study tour reports and reports on the case studies and the other assignments we plan to carry out during this project. It is possible to advertise in both publications. A third advertisement option is to place a banner on this website.

Case study

Another way you could support this project is by means of a case study. A case study is a theoretical or practical assignment carried out by several students. Including time preparing and creating a report, any number of students of your choice will spend a total of about 180 hours on a subject of your choosing. Findings of this assignment will also be published in our final report (with your approval of course), giving you some extra exposure. Offering a case study is an excellent oppurtunity to get in touch with students and let them experience the challenges in your field. This means that you will not only receive an interesting solution for your assignment, but also a highly interactive form of publicity.

Bachelor assignment

If your company has a research assignment that requires more time or depth it is possible to have this assignment done by a single student as a part of his or hers Bachelor Electrical Engineering. At the the end of their Bachelor every student has to do a so called 'Bachelor assignment', which is a 14.5 European Credits (about 400 hours) Assignment that encompasses all the knowledge gained during their Bachelors. 

If you have an assignment of an academic level, please contact us. We will then attempt to find a student best suited to the assignment and we will link you both to a professor here at the university. This professor will overlook the execution of your assignment and he will also provide the grade and credits.